26 mar 2011

Fire Maw

Spits red fire the dragon
Spits and feels afraid
Smells the earth underneath him
Moves its head ahead

In the middle of the darkness
The dragon has been seen
Someone not in the madness
But with speach sort of keen felt to ask him:

Are you happy in this cavern?
Are you happy with your soul?
Is your lady just beside you?
Or is the one you just kicked off?

Poor dragon in the darkness
Spits its fire all along
Did not see the gentle lover
That brought to him pure soul

"Who are you?" dragon said
"Who the heck are you?"
"Unnecessarily rude", she answeared
I´m the one that just passed through."

9 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


& Jasmin tea ;)


Lic. Odiola Rutheena (pronúnciese "Rutina") dijo...

Y si, nada mejor que un tesito de jazmín luego de lancear a un dragón.

Anónimo dijo...

Really Good!

Lic. Odiola Rutheena (pronúnciese "Rutina") dijo...

:) Merci.

Caperucita, estás? dijo...

quite brit

Lic. Odiola Rutheena (pronúnciese "Rutina") dijo...

Caperucita, estás?:
sisí, resaca de una encarnación anterior.

Anónimo dijo...

Prosa britanica 100%

Lic. Odiola Rutheena (pronúnciese "Rutina") dijo...


(sale de resaca de vida anterior en U.K.)

Lic. Odiola Rutheena (pronúnciese "Rutina") dijo...

Shoot, acabo de descubrir que dije dos veces lo mismo, voy a terminar creyendo que es verdad...